Light Stuff

This month, Light Stuff columnist Dave Martin briefly reviews the history of single-seat ultralights and predicts their future as ELSAs. Assuming they are neither fat nor too fast, getting the required training may still be a stickler.


Doug Rozendaal Right place, right time. Thats Doug Rozendaals kinda luck this month. Quite simply: He was at AirVenture, the Lancair Evolution was at...


It Floats Your Boat Reader Chet Moen expresses interest in using an outboard powerhead for Experimental aircraft. Back in the late 1960s, when RotorWay...

Build Your Skills: Fabric

The fabric has been applied to the airplane structure, its been tightened properly, and now its time to apply the first chemical coat to seal it. Ron Alexander takes you through the process and also introduces the various ways of attaching the fabric.

All About Avionics: Panel Labels

Avionics wiz Stein Bruch discusses the pros and cons of the most popular ways of labeling your panel including placards, decals, rub-on labels, silkscreens and laser etching.

To Launch a Light Sport

In the third part of this series on building a Jabiru J250 Light Sport airplane, author Bob Fritz installs the elevator, trim and aileron cables, paints some of the interior, installs the master break cylinder, and moves on to the rudder pedals and flaps.

DIY Wind Indicator

Chuck Deiterichs description of a do-it-yourself wind indicator project includes tips, drawings, a parts listing, in-progress photos and a look at the finished product. His experimentation with the highly visible design takes the guesswork out of doing it right.

Unusual Attitude

Oshkosh AirVenture gave Ed Wischmeyer the opportunity to look around at the newest ideas in aviation and to think about the larger implications of what he was seeing. He speculates about what works, what doesn't and how manufacturers and consumers alike could make the world of flying a better place.


Builders share their successes.

The Home Machinist

If your hacksaw has been relegated to the bottom of your toolbox, chances are its because you don't know how to use it properly. Author Bob Fritz offers a primer on the subject that may make you think more highly of this underused tool. A discussion of cam construction and keyless chucks rounds out this installment.

In Case You Missed It

The Superior IO-360 engine stripped and ready for cylinder removal. Note that oil return lines are capped as are the intake tubes in the sump. Until the decision has been made to completely tear down the engine it is best to protect everything as you go.

Maintenance Matters: Engine Overhaul Part I

Evaluation and Removal.

Vortex Generators and STOL Performance

One way to solve the problem of flow separation—and stall—is by installing vortex generators on your kit aircraft.

Pondering Powerplants

Since the beginning, homebuilders have gazed upon the engine lurking under the cowl of a certified light aircraft and thought, There has got to be a better way. Rick Lindstrom looks at several aeromotive engine conversions, from the practical to the semi-exotic.

The Creative Homebuilder

Phenolic-based bulkhead fitting.