Roll Your Own

Although the KK-1 is scratch-built, builders Ken Scott and Ken Krueger have used all of the modern tools at their disposal to expedite the design and building process. This month, Scott discusses the more than satisfactory results of load-testing the wing and horizontal stab;

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook offers an explanation of how the annual Aircraft Buyer's Guides are assembled, and his attempts to enhance the usefulness and relevance of the information provided.

What’s New

In this months What's New, ECi announces a new extended warranty on its Titan cylinders, and Vesta, Inc. offers a new Experimental aircraft engine conversion based on a V-6 Honda auto engine; edited by Mary Bernard.

Ask the DAR

This month, a new column introduces Designated Airworthiness Representative Mel Asberry, who describes his background in homebuilding and details some of what hes looking for as a DAR. Questions welcome.

Light Stuff

Earlier this year, columnist Dave Martin had the opportunity to fly Flight Designs CTSW (short wing) factory-built Light Sport Aircraft. This month, he flies the company's new CTLS (Light Sport model), and he details the differences between the two.


Susan Brunner Susan Brunner was nosing around her local airport one day when she started wondering how all of those beautiful homebuilt airplane paint jobs...


More Power, Scotty! I just read the article about the Arion Lightning in the September issue. Given the c.g. problems they had, why didn't...

Supercharged F-1 Rocket

While builder Wolfgang Meyn loved the F-1 Rocket quickbuild kit, things got a little more complicated (and exciting) when he decided to add an Aero Supercharger Solutions supercharger teamed up with a modified Airflow Performance fuel-injection system; by Ed Wischmeyer.

Roll Your Own

When they couldn't find a likely single-seat homebuilt that would work as an inexpensive but reliable commuter airplane, two builders who are well versed in metal aircraft construction took it upon themselves to design and build one;

The Paint Shop Experience

Deciding that you don't want to paint your homebuilt airplane yourself means placing your baby in the hands of a paint shop. Susan Brunner offers some tips to help manage this important aspect of the building process successfully.

In Case You Missed It


Paisely on GroundsAfter a 30-year career encompassing motorcycles, oilfield perforating trucks, and now oilfield...

Light Stuff

The author reviews the Kappa KP-5 LSA, imported by Kappa Aircraft from the Czech Republic. This is a conventional, low-wing, trigear configuration airplane, with a staggered seating arrangement that allows more room for each occupant, while keeping the cockpit narrow. The KP-5 is powered by a 100-horsepower Rotax 912 ULS engine and a Woodcomp three-blade prop, and has a useful load of 583 pounds. Full-power airspeed is stated as 138 mph. Avionics equipment includes a Dynon EFIS and engine monitor, Garmin GPSMAP 496 and Garmin transponder.

Error Chain

The takeoff might better have been described as a launch. With the new 150-hp...

Archive: August 2014

As our industry continues to mature and anniversaries come hurtling at us, it’s worth...