
Builders share their successes.

Aero ‘lectrics

The subject this month is Schmitt triggers and digital gates, which can be employed for a variety of purposes in homebuilt aircraft including use with switches and sensors or panel lighting.

Around the Patch

Recent casualties in the kit-aircraft universe including AirlinkTECH, Pillar Point Avionics and Superior Air Parts reduce services available to builders and potentially eliminate some healthy competiton. By Marc Cook.

What’s New

The 6000th RV flies, there's a new quick reference checklist for Garmin portable units, and a new engine mount for Rotax engines is available. Edited by Mary Bernard.

AirCam Adventure

When a former editor of KITPLANES gets an invitation to fly with a group of AirCam pilots to the Bahamas, resistance is futile.

25th Anniversary: Builder Assistance

Builder-assistance programs continue to grow and change to accommodate both builders needs and FAA regulations. By Mary Bernard.

Ask the DAR

This month our DAR answers questions about the size and placement requirements for N numbers on Experimental aircraft.

Anywhere Map Travel Companion

Bob Fritz takes Anywhere Maps new PDA Travel Companion for a test ride, and discusses what features are winners and what comes up short.

Meet the Grizzly

AeroTek Aviations Beaver-size amphibious kit airplane, the Grizzly, showcases the company's 550-shaft-horsepower Pratt & Whitney PT6A engine conversion, which has also flown in the Murphy Moose. By Ed Wischmeyer.


There's a new anti-icing option for high-end Experimental/Amateur-Builts. Its called Therm-X. By Jack Cowell.

In Case You Missed It

Meeting the 2020 ADS-B Requirements

A moderately priced solution from Garmin.

Avgas Next Steps

It had to happen. Ever since leaded automotive fuel was phased out in the...

Home Shop Machinist

Spline-al tap.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry answers questions about when you need A&P signoff, re-certifying an airplane to make it an LSA (hint: cant be done) and pre-registration of an Experimental.