Around the Patch
Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook takes a moment to put lifes challenges in perspective as Senior Editor Bob Fritz enters the fight of his life with his characteristic positive attitude.
What’s New
CubCrafters ships CarbonCub kits; Forward Visions EVS-100 system will be available in RotorWay Experimental/Amateur-Built helicopters; and MotoPOD will produce cargo pods to haul a street-legal motorcycle underneath the RV-10. Edited by Mary Bernard.
Report from Friedrichshafen
625 exhibitors in 11 exhibit halls? Amy Laboda was up for it at AERO Friedrichshafen, Germanys extravaganza of a trade show. Engines of all kinds were the order of the day.
Product Review: Wicks Adel Clamp Pliers
No hangar assistants or third hand to wrangle those tricky wiring or tubing installations using Adel clamps? Wicks has come up with the perfect kit to help. By Marc Cook.
SPOT, Checked
Navigation expert Langley R. Muir, Ph.D.s in-depth study of the SPOT Personal Tracker reveals its capabilities…and what you need to know to use it most effectively.
Designer Spotlight: Lawrence B. Sperry
Amy Laboda takes a look at the life of inventor Lawrence Sperry, whose childhood fascination with a spinning top led to his development of critical flight control systems...and even the aircraft seat belt.
The Price of Power
More power! Bob Fritz takes a close look at what makes batteries go, what kind is best for your plane, and how to get the most out of your battery.
Freedom to See It Differently
Jeff Van West flight-tests two popular EFISes in a Remos GX LSA, and examines their accuracy, user interface and reliability. After all the stones have been unturned, your choice can be simplified: Are you a Mac or a PC?
To Launch a Light Sport
Its 90% done with 90% to go! Bob Fritz has a flyable airplane and a semi-long list of things still left to do to improve it.