What’s New

Lancair's Piston Evolution has flown, and MGL Avionics V10 com radio debuts. Edited by Mary Bernard.

You and the Tube

For some builders, the prospect of flaring hard-line tubing is daunting. Ishmael Fuentes demystifies the process, and shows you how to get good results every time.

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weir delves into the world of barrier strips, wire markers, resettable fuses, nylon connector usage, dyeing and inrush current limiters.

Wind Tunnel

Fixed gear or retractable gear? Barnaby Wainfan examines the physics behind this longstanding design question.

Channel Challenger

Dick Starks and the Dawn Patrol get a front-row seat to the Bleriot XI replica’s very successful first flight. Next comes flying off the 40 in preparation for its English Channel flight.

Man on a Mission

Tom Needham, with the help of his son Daniel and numerous friends, completes a Sportsman 2+2 and will use the plane's big hauling capacity and short-field performance to shuttle people and supplies between remote locations in Africa.

Build a Bear: Third Time Charm

Repeat offender Dave Prizio goes for his third strike, ultimately deciding to build an Texas Sport Cub.

The Independence Project: Winging It

Dave Martin and EAA Chapter 292 take on the latest offering from Vans Aircraft: the RV-12 LSA kit.


Builders share their successes.

DIY Firewall Boots

Need to seal your firewall, reduce carbon monoxide and allow components to move freely? Chuck Dieterich shows you how to make firewall boots.

In Case You Missed It

Vortex Generators for Cooling

A simple fix reduced CHTs in a Velocity by 55 degrees. By David G. Ullman.

Simple Green

Extreme Simple Green - Aircraft is a new product designed to clean your aircraft safely without damaging finishes. Its effective in removing oil and other dirt from the exterior surfaces as well as the interior, and is used by Boeing on its family of airplanes. Its available at specialty stores and aviation supply houses.


Another Catch-22I read with interest the "Forty-Amp Catch-22" article in the December 2017 issue....
N82EZ Long-EZ

It Don’t Come Easy

After 13 years, Allen Floyd builds a Grand Champion Long-EZ.