Van’s RV-15 Update

What’s happening with Van’s high-wing STOL aircraft?

One Step Drill and Tap

We use quite a few small machine screws in our homebuilt projects. These small screws might be found, for example, holding the instrument panel...

Building the eXenos

Part 4: Back to the airframe, installing the motor.

Bleeder Coupling

Bleeding hydraulic brakes of trapped air is something everyone who builds or works on airplanes eventually has to do. The process is fundamentally simple....

Fitting an RV-7A Cowl

Part 3: Installing Skybolt fasteners and finishing the installation.


Early in my flying career, I had the good fortune of securing a part-time corporate gig in a new-to-the-boss Cessna 340A. My first trip...

DIY Compact Blind-Rivet Puller

  While building my Panther tail kit, I came upon this note in the assembly manual in the elevator joiner photo: “This rivet is impossible...

Building the ‘Beater – Part 4

It’s hard to believe that several months have gone by again and it’s time for an update. I’ve told Carol many times over the...

Propeller Effects–Lateral Directional

The propeller slipstream affects the aerodynamics of the airplane. A propeller accelerates air backward and also imparts a swirl. The air in the slipstream...

A Soldering We Shall Go (Part 2)

When last we left our discussion of soldering, we touched briefly on each of the basic topics concerning joining electronic parts together using a...

In Case You Missed It

Homebuilt Airplanes—A Brief History

History's first aircraft were, for the most part, designed and built by individuals or...

More Than You Bargained For

It doesn't take a fortune to get a homebuilt aircraft completed and flying, and we look at a few designs that prove the point. By Marc Cook and Mary Bernard.


A tongue-in-cheek look at acronyms and other vernacular used in aviation.

The Garage Mahal

If the RV-7 turns out half as well as the workshop in which it is being built, itll be a winner. By Matt Johnson.