What’s New

Zenith offers a reduced price for its STOL CH 701 kit, featuring the 85-hp Jabiru 2200A engine. Dynon offers a rebate for Blue Mountain EFIS owners who trade in for the new SkyView units, as well as special upgrade pricing. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Build a Bear: Moving Right Along

It’s starting to look like a Sport Cub. Dave Prizio gets to work on the systems and finishes the wings.

The Independence Project: Forward to the Fuselage

Dave Martin marches ahead with the Van’s RV-12, inventorying fuselage hardware, attaching the sideskins, working on other subassemblies and mating the tail cone to the fuselage. Progress!

Flight Testing: Static System Error – Theory and Practice, Part 2

In Part 2 of the series, Kevin Horton shows you how to gather and interpret flight-test data to identify static system error (spreadsheets included).

To Launch a Light Sport

Bob Fritz uses a couple of HVLP paint guns in preparation for painting his Jabiru J250. Which one is the top gun?


Builders share their successes.

Aero ‘lectrics

A little music for the airways can make your flight a pleasure. Jim Weir shows you how to power any music device from your panel.

The Case for Strakes

These small additions to your aircraft can make a significant improvement in its pitch response and authority at high angles of attack. Barnaby Wainfan gives you the strake story.

Flight Review: Four to Tango

Chuck Berthe puts Team Tango’s Foxtrot 4 through its paces, and finds it to be a capable aircraft with the potential to be even better as the design is refined.

Hear the Hum?

Whats the buzz? David Ullman looks at the past, present and future of the electric airplane.

In Case You Missed It

Datalink Weather: Long-Term Exposure

Marc Cook relates his experience, more than four years' worth, with XM-sourced inflight weather.

Are You Shorthanding?

If you're not careful, your non-building friends will find a way to change the subject.

Plane and Simple

Silicone tape-its for a lot more than just emergencies.

Maintenance Matters

Using precision measuring tools.