Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook comments on Zenith Aircrafts turbulent year following several in-flight breakups of CH 601XL Zodiac aircraft, and the company's response with an extensive update kit.

What’s New

Garmin expands online training and Sky-Tec introduces ST5 starters for Continentals. Edited by Mary Bernard.

ADS-B and Experimental Aircraft

More acronyms? Amy Laboda details the integration of ADS-B into the ATC system, and what it means for the Experimental aviation community.

Build a Bear: Some Assembly Required

Much more than Tab A into Slot B: Team Prizio assembles the Texas Sport Cub.


Builders share their successes.

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weirs lifetimes worth of tinkering has produced a definitive list of electronics parts suppliers, and hes willing to share.

Wind Tunnel

Airplanes are surprisingly flexible, and changes in their shape can affect aerodynamic characteristics. Barnaby Wainfan explains how the two are coupled.

Builder Survey: Wilderness Calling

Lucky 13: RANS S-7 Coyote builders tell KITPLANES about their building, company support and flying experiences. By Mary Bernard.

All About Avionics: Electrical Connections

Building a plane? Youll need connectors. Stein Bruch shows you what to use, where to put them and how to make a quality connection.

Flight Review: Mission Ready

Bush plane? Heck, yeah! Bill Repucci flies Just Aircraft's strong, tough and fun Highlander.

In Case You Missed It

Shop Safety

This article covers what you should have learned in your high school shop class, but didn't, and more. It discusses safety glasses, proper treatment of chisels, gloves, jewelry, shop coats, hand tools, urban myths, safe shoes, hardware, biomechanics, capturing wayward chips, machinery placement in the shop, air-powered tools, cleanup, pneumatic cutting tools, and other common sense advice; by Bob Fritz.

Alternative Engines and the Cult of Personality

Marc Cook digs into the challenging world of automotive conversions, reporting on the converts who learned how to build these engines at the West Coast Corvair College.

Editor’s Log

The FAA’s concerns about the issuance of Special Airworthiness Certificates for some factory-built Light Sport Aircraft may result in changes to ELSA as well. By Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard.

Engine Update

UL Power engines have gained popularity in the homebuilt community in recent years. Marc Cook takes a closer look at the Belgian-made line and the people behind it.