Wind Tunnel

Aerodynamic flutter has been a recent concern in the homebuilt world. What exactly is flutter? What causes it? Barnaby Wainfan clarifies an often misunderstood and potentially dangerous phenomenon.

All About Avionics

Stein Bruch reviews the airborne weather choices for the homebuilder, using technology undreamed of only 20 years ago.

Datalink Weather: Long-Term Exposure

Marc Cook relates his experience, more than four years' worth, with XM-sourced inflight weather.

Buying Used Lightning Detection

Avionics guru Larry Anglisano examines the market for used lightning-detection gear.

Builder Profile: Orange Appeal

Marc Cook profiles a rookie Copperstate show winner: a spectacular F-1 Rocket with a distinct Harley vibe.

The Independence Project: A Power Finish

The engine and prop complete the building phase, and the RV-12 is ready for the flight test phase. By Dave Martin.

Cut the Can, Man

Inspecting your filter after an oil change is a good idea, but what tool is best for opening the can? Bob Fritz tests the gamut of oil filter cutters so that you don't have to.

Engine Beat

Removing your oil filter is not nearly as easy as putting it on. Steve Ells shows you how to take it off without turning your workshop into a Hazmat site.

Ask the DAR

Can a powered parachute be classified as Experimental/Exhibition if it missed the ELSA deadline?

Light Stuff

LSAs are fun, and being able to make that water landing-and takeoff-in one is even more enjoyable. Join Dave Martin as he samples the Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey LSX.

In Case You Missed It


Builders share their successes.

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir reminds us that its good to laugh at ourselves once in a while, and, to that end, he acts as an unofficial translator between pilots and the FAA, construing what they mean by what they say, and what they mean by what they don't say. He also details the latest contributions to Murphys Law from the world of aviation.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger reports from Beach Blast 2011, the third annual PPG beach fly-in held each May at Panama City Beach, Florida.

Constant-Speed Props

Sometimes using a constant-speed prop makes sense, but the decision is often a compromise among weight, cost and performance. By Marc Cook.