
Builders share their successes.

Cover Story: Designing Men

In this first installment of the upholstery series, the author looks at the basics: sewing machines, scissors, needles and thread, and more.

Aero ‘lectrics

What do you do if you need to monitor a number of audio signals, but you don't have room for an audio switching panel? Jim Weir finds the answer in a summing amplifier.

Wind Tunnel

Barnaby Wainfan offers an explanation of how tail surfaces can be subject to flutter and how to avoid the potentially disastrous result.

Seeing the Dream Through

Having earned a number of homebuilding trophies for his work constructing airplanes, Paul Muhle decides to share his experience with those who aim to win awards-or just look like they could.

Avionics Special: Garmins G3X

Garmins latest entry to the EFIS market lives up to the company's reputation for providing value for the price. By Marc Cook.

Flight Review: Point of Ignition

Builder Kurt Goodfellow has risen to the challenge of installing a Wilksch Airmotive WAM-120 diesel powerplant in his Van’s RV-9, and the proof is in the performance test results. By Ken Krueger.

What’s New

A glare shield for Garmin GPS units; Sportair USAs certified pre-owned LSA program; quick reference for aera and AV8OR Ace; Better Half VW announces Legal Eagle XL. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Rendesvouz with Destiny

Dick Starks and The Dawn Patrol attend the biennial Rendezvous on hallowed ground: the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.

Product Review: Garmin’s New aera

Paul Bertorelli reviews Garmin's latest offering, the aera. It's compact, powerful and versatile.

In Case You Missed It

Design Process: Engine Size

The engine of an airplane must produce enough power to meet the requirements of...

Around the Patch

Editor in Chief Marc Cook was skeptical early on about using the Primary Category to address the problem of over-reliance on commercial builder assistance. But further consideration made him think it may have a role to play in the FAAs revised guidance.

How I Cross-Country

Way back in the previous century—closer to the middle of the century than the...

Build a Bear: Third Time Charm

Repeat offender Dave Prizio goes for his third strike, ultimately deciding to build an Texas Sport Cub.