Light Stuff

The flight-test program for Experimental Light Sport Aircraft (ELSAs) is much different from the one Experimental/Amateur-Built kit builders would employ, but they both require a plan. By Dave Martin.


Constructive Criticism (Best Letter) I always enjoy your publication. It contains a lot of good articles. Now that the atta boys have been...

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

What’s New

MGL extends its warranty, Grand Rapids introduces the Sport SX EFIS, Vertical Power has a new system, and more. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Product Review: J.P. Instruments EDM-740

JPI is offering a new compact, capable engine monitor that is built and priced for the homebuilt market. By Marc Cook.

Product Review: PS Engineering PMA5000EX

At its heart, the PMA5000EX is a four-place stereo intercom in an audio panel that supports two each of coms, navs, switching aux inputs, music inputs plus having five unswitched aux inputs and a front-panel input for a music source or cell. By Marc Cook.

What’s in Your Hangar

The FAAs Order 5190.6B has stirred ire in the hearts of many pilots, developers, aviation-related business owners and airpark residents who see further enforcement of land-use restrictions as unnecessary meddling by the feds.

Ask the DAR

What are the lighting requirements for homebuilt aircraft that will fly at night, and do you need a wet compass if you have an EFIS in your panel?

The Dawn Patrol

When Sharon Starks Airdrome Aeroplanes DH-2 replica fighter was ready for its airworthiness inspection, The Dawn Patrol was hoping for a perfect score.

Engine Beat

When it became clear that some ECI Titan cylinders were having cylinder head failure problems, the FAA issued an AD identifying the impacted cylinder assemblies. Now what? By Steve Ells.

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to aircraft—all that really matters is creating the flying experience you want to have. By Roy Beisswenger.

Spinner Bulkhead Clocking

Spinner woes were the topic of midsummer musings on Van’s Air Force this year....

Why Reno Mattered

With nearly six decades of Reno air racing now behind us, it’s worth reflecting...

The Lessons We Learn

It wasn’t the call I expected from the ferry pilot. Somewhere on the leg...