Vacuum-Bagging for Homebuilders

The first installment of a new series introduces you to the materials and equipment you'll need to tackle vacuum-bagging projects at home.


Builders share their successes.

Aero ‘lectrics

Its important to understand the fundamentals before you can be conversant in electrical theory, so lets revisit Georg Simon Ohm and James Watt to see how their laws factor in to aircraft applications.

Wind Tunnel

This month well look at another complex interaction between aerodynamics and aircraft structures that can cause structures to fail: fabric flutter.

Cover Story: Seat Cover Conventions

Now that the foam is cut and glued, we’ll learn how to make the pattern, choose and cut the fabric, and sew the cover.

Constant-Speed Props

Sometimes using a constant-speed prop makes sense, but the decision is often a compromise among weight, cost and performance. By Marc Cook.

The Garage Mahal

If the RV-7 turns out half as well as the workshop in which it is being built, itll be a winner. By Matt Johnson.

To Launch a Light Sport

After a disappointing postponement of the first flight, the Jabiru J250 takes to the skies for real. By Bob Fritz.

Hatz Classic: A Homebuilt Waco

First-time builder Ron Sieck’s Hatz Classic biplane comes charmingly close to perfection.

Flight Review: Seven into Ten

The four-seat Van’s RV-10 has been an enduring presence in the homebuilt universe, but its best years may still lie ahead. By Marc Cook.

In Case You Missed It

1909 Blériot XI

A near-exact replica of the first airplane to fly across the English Channel.

Free Flight

Why do seemingly simple modifications wind up taking so much time to complete?

Sling Goes Big

Four-seat homebuilt crosses the Atlantic to show its stuff.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda updated the avionics package on her RV-10 with an NavWorx ADS600-B box, and its ADS-B function has opened a whole new window on the world.