Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

Engine Beat

Those who understand the aviation marketplace will be in a position to make the most of opportunities-and Tempest gets it. By Steve Ells.


Jess Meyers of Belted Air Power continues to refine auto-engine conversion firewall-forward packages for homebuilt aircraft. By Rick Lindstrom.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry answers questions about when you need A&P signoff, re-certifying an airplane to make it an LSA (hint: cant be done) and pre-registration of an Experimental.

Light Stuff

Dave Martin makes the case for the FAA revisiting its policy on residential airparks so that they can remain a vital home location and useful national resource.


Overpowering Sentiment (Best Letter) I agree that the folks at CubCrafters have done a great job with the Carbon Cub SS in fixing...

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook takes the temperature of the homebuilt industry at the first big fly-in of the season.

What’s New

Sportairs Sirius LSA is available for demo flights, the Spider Tracks viewer allows you to track flights on your iPhone and MGL Avionics Second Generation EFISes debut. Edited by Mary Bernard

Unusual Attitude

On his way home from an unexceptional summer jaunt, author Bill Repucci got a most exceptional call from the tower.

Safety Is No Accident: Van’s RV series

It’s been a couple of years since we looked at how homebuilts generally fared in the accident statistics vis-à-vis certified aircraft. This time around we’ll look at the safety records of specific homebuilt designs, starting with the Van’s RV.

In Case You Missed It

Wind Tunnel

The perils of PIO;

A Tale of Two Kits

What a difference a few years make. Paul Dye discusses the evolution of kits, using the two he built (Van’s RV-8 and RV-3) as examples.

Buying Trouble-Purchased Homebuilt Accident Rates

Up to half the homebuilt fleet is owned by non-builders.

The Resurrection of Lady Vi

RAFE brings a rare and special VariViggen to life.