Flight Review: M-Squared Breese 2

If you’re looking for an economical way to get in the air and your stick-and-rudder skills are sharp, the Breese 2 may be the way to go. By Ed Wischmeyer.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda chronicles the challenges she encountered when trying to get the ECI B-type cylinders for her certified Lycoming IO-540 replaced.

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook sees progress and potential in developing electric motor and battery technology.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry discusses the process for registering and certifying an ELSA, including how to find an inspector and the paperwork you'll need to provide.

Preparing For First Start

Steve Ells discusses the preparation and procedures for starting your new or newly overhauled engine for the first time.

Free Flight

When testing a new avionics component in your homebuilt, you must be prepared to deal with any consequences that may develop.

Light Stuff

Dave Martin samples one of the three PiperSport LSA models introduced at the Sebring Expo, and finds it to his liking.


Us and the Media (Best Letter) I was disappointed to see the first letter to the editor in the recent issue (June 2010)...

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

What’s New

American Legend Aircraft debuts two additions to its line, Belite wins award at Sun n Fun, Richard Collins book reissued and Pro-G hub earns PMA. Edited by Mary Bernard.

In Case You Missed It

Updating an Old Friend

Bolt-on electronic fuel injection and ignition for the Continental O-200.

Making Tapered Ribs

Restoring the damaged wings of the only Dalotel DM165. By Ray Ordorica.


Stephen Port's RV-8Here is my RV-8 that I completed in June 2017. I...
From left to right: A photographer’s loupe, two watchmaker’s loupes, and a folding pocket loupe.

Home Shop Machinist: Magnification

A typical day in the shop for me would be unusual if I didn’t use a magnifier at least once.