
Shocking, Absolutely Shocking I was disappointed on many levels in your editorial Making electric aircraft exciting. I love KITPLANES for the diverse...

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

News from E-Mag, Levil, and Sensenich

E-Mag offers an electronic mag for the IO-540, Levil has a PC-based EFIS, and Sensenich introduces a composite ground-adjustable prop for the RV crowd. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Hands On: Spray Painting

Mike Loehle shows us the process of prepping both metal and composite surfaces prior to painting as well as applying color and clear coats.

Tapping Heads

The tapping head has a lot to commend it for the home machinist who is trying to add efficiency and consistency to tapping tasks.

Tips for Installing Your Props Properly

It pays to be thorough and follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter when installing a prop on your homebuilt.


Builders share their successes.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry clears up airspace restrictions for homebuilts during flight testing and discusses how the original builder of a homebuilt design remains the builder unless the airworthiness certificate is surrendered, which has implications for reselling an aircraft.

Aero ‘lectrics

How do you condition a battery not in regular use to extend its lifetime? Run it down and then charge it back up. Jim Weir explains how to achieve this with about $10 worth of parts.

Wind Tunnel

Although we often consider maximizing airflow over the exterior of an aircraft, we sometimes neglect internal airflow design that can cause significant drag.

In Case You Missed It

The Creative Homebuilder

Make your own quick-change drill bits and deburring tools.

Smooth Out Your Ride

Dynamic propeller balancing can smooth out your ride and reduce wear and tear on engine parts.

Wind Tunnel

The aerodynamics of an airplane sometimes don't cooperate with the pilots desire to roll, and instead produce both yaw and roll. Contributing factors are aileron parasite drag, induced drag between the wings and changes in the roll rate itself;

Aero ‘lectrics

So-lar, its been good to know you.