Broken Tailwheel Chain Link

Tailwheels and their associated linkage should be carefully preflighted. Here’s a partially broken tailwheel chain link that has the potential to cause a complete...

A Pea Sea Bored?

Text and phonetically, yes. But if you will sit down, fasten your seat belt tight and just hold on, I will show you how...

The Personalized Grip

There comes a time, fairly early in the kit-building process, where if a builder is constructing an aircraft to be flown with a stick...

What Are the Odds?

My first winter in Oregon came and went. The weather’s been fairly nice leading into spring, or at least my surroundings look just as...

Prop Blade Effects

We often treat the propeller as a uniform “actuator disc” and the slipstream as a uniform stream tube of accelerated and swirling air. While...

Bill Brennand Lied to Me

You’d be forgiven if you don’t recognize the name. Bill Brennand went quietly about his life yet a life so full it warrants a...

Forward by Degrees

I’ve ridden the early adopter bus before—found the seats uncomfortable, the ride jarring and the destination available only after many inconvenient stops. So it...

Automotive Plugs in Lycomings

Tips, tricks—and tools.

La Zoom!

Jeff LaVelle ushers out the first 25 years of Sport class racing and the Reno era at 400 mph.

Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 6

Part 6: Weight gain planning.

In Case You Missed It

Risky Business

Unforeseeable risks in kit aircraft projects. By Sid Mayeux.


Builders share their successes.

Building a Composite Fuel Tank

How to keep it lightweight and leak-free.

To Launch a Light Sport

After a disappointing postponement of the first flight, the Jabiru J250 takes to the skies for real. By Bob Fritz.