Build, Test, Refine and Fix—Part 1: Ground Tests

At some point, a configuration of the airplane is frozen, a prototype is built and testing begins.

IV Tube for Crankcase Ventilation

Recently, my neighbor Ed needed a part to upgrade the installation of his crankcase breather/oil separator kit.

Master Caution

My original intent for this month’s treatise was to produce the first installment of my upcoming Kitfox build series, which I have been greatly looking forward to. However, as often happens in life, life itself got in the way.

Wanted: Engine Competition

Imagine a time not too long ago when pilots embarking on the delicious endeavor to build their own airplanes could consider multiple sources for just about any engine on the menu.

2025 Engine Buyer’s Guide

Traditional engines dominate, but the alternatives are looking more mainstream.

A Baker’s Dozen

Vic shares his decision process for both choosing another RV-10 as well as choosing some of the “upgrades.”

The Jet A- Burning RV-9A

Behind the scenes with the CD-155-powered RV.

Precious Metal

My wedding might not make it into Vogue, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make it into KITPLANES!

Buying an Unfinished Project

There are plenty of things to look out for before committing to an unknown collection of parts and pieces from another fellow builder.

The “Flying by Feel” Fallacy

Smart pilots embrace tools like AoA systems to reduce risk—not ego-driven notions of flying solely 'by feel.'

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Who can be in the cockpit of a homebuilt aircraft during Phase I flight testing? Mel Asberry answers the question.

What’s New

The 6000th RV flies, there's a new quick reference checklist for Garmin portable units, and a new engine mount for Rotax engines is available. Edited by Mary Bernard.

25th Anniversary: Engines of Change

In the days of the Wright brothers, the Flyer would have been impossible had the boys not endeavored to develop their own powerplant. While the Experimental/Amateur-Built movement has been carried aloft by versions of certified aircraft engines, the alternative engine movement has provided viable options for builders. By Marc Cook.

Archive: May 1988

An impressively tight shot of the Prescott Pusher homebuilt made sure our May 1988...