Second Chance Six

Starting the restoration. Where do you even begin?

“Glare” Shield

The body of this month’s column is part informational, part confessional and part Zen and the Art of Experimental Maintenance. One of the most...

Power and Heat

The cooling system is a major component of the airplane. It has a large impact on the performance and reliability of the machine. The...

World Beater

Rotax’s spunky 916 brings new tech and international appeal to a venerated design.

Building the ‘Beater – Part 6

As promised, Lycoming delivered the Thunderbolt engine in December to Vertical Aviation. Since this was the first Thunderbolt engine to be installed in a...

Oil Filter Slicer-Off-Er

The process of inspecting an oil filter is not complicated. Slice the top off using a filter cutting tool. Extract the cartridge that holds...

First Timer’s AirVenture Arrival

How busy is the Oshkosh arrival? Ride along for a portion of columnist Ariana Rayment's first flight into the big show with our EIC...

Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 7

Mounting pressures, seating flexibility.

Teflon Tape

Do not use Teflon tape on any fuel system connection. It can deteriorate and leave particles and remnants, which can clog the fuel system,...

Bose A30

For years, Bose has enjoyed a loyal following in the high-end aviation headset market with models that have good performance, high quality and decent...

In Case You Missed It

Murphy Radical

Canada’s maker of practical backwoods airplanes is relaunching their 2+2 Radical.

Caught in the Act

We’ve been working on the development story of the Van’s RV-15 for many months....

Wind Tunnel

Gyroplanes, part 2.

Alignment aids for Lycoming oil screen housings.

By William Rynone, Ph.D., P.E.