The Case of No Rotor RPM Indication
I am now in the flight-testing stage with my Hummingbird helicopter. Personally, I’ve always liked the 40 hours of required flight testing as it...
Plug-Gapping Tool
If you read Paul Dye’s article “Automotive Plugs in Lycomings” in the August 2023 issue, you know that using inexpensive automotive-style single-electrode spark plugs...
Matching a Tailwheel to the Terrain
The right tailwheel can keep you out of trouble in the backcountry.
AN960 Washers, the Penny and My Thoughts
Not a week (sometimes a day) went by during my Sonex career that I wasn’t asked about washer usage on threaded fasteners. Often, a...
The 13 Command(ment)s
For most people, 10 are enough. Laying out a PC board, you’ve got a few more.
Remember, now, I’m trying to show you the basics...