Sea the World!

Getting a multi-engine sea rating in the always-entertaining AirCam.

Building the eXenos

Part 6: Prepping for flight!

The Case of No Rotor RPM Indication

I am now in the flight-testing stage with my Hummingbird helicopter. Personally, I’ve always liked the 40 hours of required flight testing as it...

RV Maintenance by the Book

Vic Syracuse’s latest guide is a must-have for RV owners.

Plug-Gapping Tool

If you read Paul Dye’s article “Automotive Plugs in Lycomings” in the August 2023 issue, you know that using inexpensive automotive-style single-electrode spark plugs...
The Acme tailwheel suspension system installed on Ted Waltman’s SQ-2.

Matching a Tailwheel to the Terrain

The right tailwheel can keep you out of trouble in the backcountry.

AN960 Washers, the Penny and My Thoughts

Not a week (sometimes a day) went by during my Sonex career that I wasn’t asked about washer usage on threaded fasteners. Often, a...

The 13 Command(ment)s

For most people, 10 are enough. Laying out a PC board, you’ve got a few more. Remember, now, I’m trying to show you the basics...

Cabin Air

Do not use the engine compartment as a source of fresh air or heat, as there is the potential for carbon monoxide poisoning.


As we saw in last month’s edition of Wind Tunnel, only about one-third of the energy released by burning the fuel in an internal...

In Case You Missed It


It is sometimes easy to remember that we do annual condition inspections to find...

Wind Tunnel

The author discusses the theory and effect of constant-speed propellers on piston-engine airplane performance, and compares fixed-pitch versus constant-speed props, effect on thrust HP and propulsion, the comprises involved in choosing a prop, how props perform in various conditions and phases of flight, how variable-pitch props work, and why a constant-speed prop is the best choice for high-performance aircraft.

Watch Those Sharp Edges

Grommets and bushings provide simple, inexpensive protection from sharp edges of all kinds. Sometimes...

Safety Is No Accident: Canards

The appeal of canard-type designs hasn't faded, and the design was heralded as inherently safer because of its resistance to stalling. Ron Wanttaja reveals the veracity of that claim given the accident numbers.