Buy, Buy, Buy
Time to talk about the “parts” portion of my column tagline. I’ve been a professional buyer for over seven years and while I still...
Countersinking for a Flush Fastener Fit
In last month’s column, we talked about the procedures needed for installing flush rivets and screws in our kit aircraft projects. As builders we...
“Glare” Shield
The body of this month’s column is part informational, part confessional and part Zen and the Art of Experimental Maintenance. One of the most...
Power and Heat
The cooling system is a major component of the airplane. It has a large impact on the performance and reliability of the machine. The...
Building the ‘Beater – Part 6
As promised, Lycoming delivered the Thunderbolt engine in December to Vertical Aviation. Since this was the first Thunderbolt engine to be installed in a...
Oil Filter Slicer-Off-Er
The process of inspecting an oil filter is not complicated. Slice the top off using a filter cutting tool. Extract the cartridge that holds...