What a Drag

Round versus streamline flying wires.

Staying Late

In magazine land—a parallel universe to the real world—I’m writing this between Oshkosh and Reno. The time between these two big events is a...

One Marvelous Community

This month’s column is inspired by the most recent AirVenture, which has left me reflecting on how it really isn’t the aircraft that draw...

Out of This World

I returned from AirVenture with a few story ideas and a horrible illness that prevented me from doing much of anything. “Might as well...

How Fast Is a Speed Nut?

A “speed nut” is a somewhat generic term that is occasionally used for a one-piece spring steel fastener that we can use in our...

Love at First Sight

John Lake’s lifelong passion for the Marquart Charger.

Rotax, Anyone?

Robert Haag’s RV-4/600 is powered by a Rotax 915 iS engine.

Build a Custom Plenum That Will Work

For optimum performance, all it takes is a little bit of math and some fiberglass.

The Best Oshkosh Ever

I know many of you following the progress of my Hummingbird helicopter are probably thinking that flying it to the show is what made...


It was 1985 when this 42-year-old kid wrote an article for an upstart magazine aimed at the homebuilt aircraft market. Appearing in the October...

In Case You Missed It

All About Avionics: Flight-Control Systems

As the industry matures, the sheer variety and capabilities of autopilots for Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft are flourishing. By Stein Bruch.

Arctic Flight

A journey to Northern Canada’s Barren Lands.

Stick to the Plans

On his RV-7, Tony Kirk literally followed his own advice.

Mods and Ends

One of the most desirable and intrinsic benefits of building your own airplane under...