Manufacturing Considerations
The designer must consider all three factors: Mission, Manufacturing and Marketing.
One of the big motivators to amateur aircraft builders is simply dreaming about the adventures that their personal aircraft will allow them to accomplish.
Risk Tolerance
There’s only so much we can do to eliminate risk, so it becomes more about risk tolerance, which is usually different for everyone.
Checklists: Live By Them
There isn’t a pilot alive who doesn’t know what a checklist is. There are, however, pilots no longer with us who failed to use one.
Four Decades Old, Look At Us Now
Publisher Dennis Shattuck took a flier on a growing segment of aviation back when magazines littered newsstands across the country and well before we...
Near Perfect, But Nothing Fancy
We visit Visalia and find California engine builder Ly-Con going strong.
Slap an Engine On It and Go Fly!
With a new Corvair engine, an old Stolp Starlet returns to the skies.