Bob FritzIn recognition of Bobs major contributions to this magazine, he has been moved up the masthead to join Dave Higdon as Senior Editor....
Machining TalkI have enjoyed the series on home machining, and have a question for author Bob Fritz. For some time I have been considering...
Susan BrunnerSusan spent seven years with her husband building their Lancair IV-P. Her administrative expertise was invaluable for Internet searches and acquisition of parts...
Shopmaster Shop TalkDear Bob Fritz: I have the opportunity to purchase a Shopmaster Lathe/Mill combination similar to yours, but a 1998 model which has...
Stein Bruch
Starting the new year, we welcome Stein Bruch back to resume his extremely well regarded "All About Avionics" series. Indeed, were lucky to...
On Nuts and BoltsIn your use of the word "bolt," there is a caveat. Many years ago I learned to manufacture bleach (that "Chlorox"...
Julia DownieOnce a year we take the opportunity to publicly thank the hard-working Julia Downie for her tireless efforts in collecting and organizing our...
On a Lighter Note...Hopefully you can help me out with a solution to my problem. I have an electronic sign that used to mount...
Com Radio FeedbackDear Stein Bruch: Just read your article in the August 2007 KITPLANES . Nice work! A couple of quick comments: The Garmin...
Waiex Review Rebuttal We are writing to express our disappointment in the Waiex. Y Not? flight review article that appeared in the July 2007...