Alternator RealityIn the wiring diagrams in the article "All About Avionics: The Electric Airplane" , the alternator is shown with a fuse between its...
Mary BernardAs we put this magazine "to bed," its the beginning of the baseball season, so its fitting to say that our Managing Editor,...
Chuck Bodeen Chucks background is as an aerospace engineer and computer programmer. His love for flying started when his Dad was an inspector for United...
The Months Go By So FastWhy do you publish and send out the magazine so many months ahead? I think I just received my...
dan CheckowayMeet Checkoway for a cup of coffee and some peach cobbler at Flos Airport Cafe (Chino, California; sniff your way to the cows...
When Is an LSA Not an LSA?I always enjoy the annual compilation of aircraft that can be built from scratch in your January issue,...
Bob FritzIn recognition of Bobs major contributions to this magazine, he has been moved up the masthead to join Dave Higdon as Senior Editor....
Machining TalkI have enjoyed the series on home machining, and have a question for author Bob Fritz. For some time I have been considering...
Susan BrunnerSusan spent seven years with her husband building their Lancair IV-P. Her administrative expertise was invaluable for Internet searches and acquisition of parts...
Shopmaster Shop TalkDear Bob Fritz: I have the opportunity to purchase a Shopmaster Lathe/Mill combination similar to yours, but a 1998 model which has...