Paid InstructionI enjoyed Dave Martin's "Understanding Experimental Light Sport Aircraft" article , but I think one small statement is incorrect: "The ELSA cannot be...
Doug Reeves' "Unusual Attitude" article in the February 2012 issue provoked a lot of responses. Here's a sample.—Ed.
Safety…in Numbers
Doug Reeves directed us all to...
Missionary ZealI have been a KITPLANES® subscriber since its inception. Over the years I have watched your publication evolve with the industry and the...
The X FilesChuck Bodeen's article on X-Plane was very informative, but somewhat misleading, in that you don't have to create your own airfoils....
Root of the MatterI don't usually write to magazines, but here we go. I have enjoyed the pieces on John Thorpe, the Tailwind from...