Timing MagnetosDave Prizio's article on external timing of magnetos (October 2013) provides a very good description of the process. However, I may be able...
What's in a Name?I just opened my September issue of KITPLANES® and found a very nice article describing leakdown testing of an engine. But...
Lithium ChoicesYour recent article on lithium-ion batteries failed to consider what I think is an important issue. I have a Pitts Special, for which...
Belt Tension ReferenceIn the June issue of KITPLANES® on page 34, the reference for checking alternator belt tension with a torque wrench is given...
All Wet?The Freedom article by Roy Beisswenger (KITPLANES®, July 2013) is only half a loaf. What about seaplanes? It's a narrow mindset: If it...