Supermarine Aircraft Mk 26B
Quick and nimble, with distinctive elliptical wings: The Spitfire was a classic WW-II fighter plane. Now a 90%-scale kit, true to the original, makes this inspired design available to the homebuilder.
Lockwood Super Drifter
Throttling back to enjoy the Florida scenery, Marc Cook is reminded of the reasons he first fell in love with flying as he pilots the new Lockwood Super Drifter.
Lightning Strikes Again
Its been four years since we reviewed the Arion Lightning, and things have changed-for the better. Marc Cook had a chance to fly the old and the new, and he details the differences.
Restoring the RV-1
The very first Van’s prototype flies again, thanks to months of volunteers’ hard work, and its designer climbs back into the cockpit, some five decades after he built it.
RANS S-7S Courier
Marc Cook pilots the new RANS S-7S and finds many improvements, from increased fuel and storage capacity to a simplified aileron-control system that makes handling better than ever.
Zenith CH 650 B
With the UL Power 350iS engine and other mods, the new CH 650 B has advanced Zenith Aircrafts product line. By Marc Cook.
Virus Motorglider
Ed Wischmeyer samples the Pipistrel Virus, a versatile Slovenian composite motorglider that can be built or bought ready-to-fly.
Fisher Flying Products
Fisher Flying has been a fixture on the homebuilt scene for 30 years. With a new owner and a new home, the company—whose designs include the classic Dakota Hawk—is ready for a new generation.
Kitfox Super Sport
Marc Cook reports on the process of developing a new Lycoming O-233 engine package for the Kitfox Series 7 Super Sport and samples the result.
Steen Skybolt
The Steen Skybolt is a fabric-covered, wood-ribbed biplane that is built for aerobatics—and doesn’t disappoint. By Ed Wischmeyer.