Flight Review: Revival of the Fittest
Part Husky, part Cub, the Bearhawk Patrol evokes 1940s-era shapes but with the benefit of today’s advanced manufacturing. By Chuck Berthe.
Flight Review: Lancair Launches the Piston Evolution
Doug Rozendaal samples the new piston version of the Lancair Evolution and, as with the turbine Evo, finds much to admire.
Flight Review: M-Squared Breese 2
If you’re looking for an economical way to get in the air and your stick-and-rudder skills are sharp, the Breese 2 may be the way to go. By Ed Wischmeyer.
Velocity, Increased
The Velocity TXL-5 turbo combines style, sophistication and high performance eminently suited to cross-country sojourns at flight levels.
Europa Returns!
Europa Aircraft is gearing up for the future with new leadership, a larger, more sophisticated manufacturing facility, and a sales force on the move.
Hatz Classic: A Homebuilt Waco
First-time builder Ron Sieck’s Hatz Classic biplane comes charmingly close to perfection.
Flight Review: Seven into Ten
The four-seat Van’s RV-10 has been an enduring presence in the homebuilt universe, but its best years may still lie ahead. By Marc Cook.
Its a Cub Thing
With a bigger engine and lighter airframe, CubCrafters’ Carbon Cub EX kit aircraft takes the Cub experience to a higher plane. By Marc Cook.
Flight Review: Point of Ignition
Builder Kurt Goodfellow has risen to the challenge of installing a Wilksch Airmotive WAM-120 diesel powerplant in his Van’s RV-9, and the proof is in the performance test results. By Ken Krueger.
Flight Review: Mission Ready
Bush plane? Heck, yeah! Bill Repucci flies Just Aircraft's strong, tough and fun Highlander.