Flight Review: Revival of the Fittest

Part Husky, part Cub, the Bearhawk Patrol evokes 1940s-era shapes but with the benefit of today’s advanced manufacturing. By Chuck Berthe.

Flight Review: Lancair Launches the Piston Evolution

Doug Rozendaal samples the new piston version of the Lancair Evolution and, as with the turbine Evo, finds much to admire.

Flight Review: M-Squared Breese 2

If you’re looking for an economical way to get in the air and your stick-and-rudder skills are sharp, the Breese 2 may be the way to go. By Ed Wischmeyer.

Velocity, Increased

The Velocity TXL-5 turbo combines style, sophistication and high performance eminently suited to cross-country sojourns at flight levels.

Europa Returns!

Europa Aircraft is gearing up for the future with new leadership, a larger, more sophisticated manufacturing facility, and a sales force on the move.

Hatz Classic: A Homebuilt Waco

First-time builder Ron Sieck’s Hatz Classic biplane comes charmingly close to perfection.

Flight Review: Seven into Ten

The four-seat Van’s RV-10 has been an enduring presence in the homebuilt universe, but its best years may still lie ahead. By Marc Cook.

It’s a Cub Thing

With a bigger engine and lighter airframe, CubCrafters’ Carbon Cub EX kit aircraft takes the Cub experience to a higher plane. By Marc Cook.

Flight Review: Point of Ignition

Builder Kurt Goodfellow has risen to the challenge of installing a Wilksch Airmotive WAM-120 diesel powerplant in his Van’s RV-9, and the proof is in the performance test results. By Ken Krueger.

Flight Review: Mission Ready

Bush plane? Heck, yeah! Bill Repucci flies Just Aircraft's strong, tough and fun Highlander.

In Case You Missed It

Transponder Buyer’s Guide

Reliable transponder performance is critical in the ADS-B environment.

Wedge Issue

Making a jig to countersink an AEX wedge.

Riding the Radial Rocket RG

The Radial Rocket TD already had a following, but with some tweaking and the addition of retractable gear, the new Radial Rocket RG is poised to take off. By Ed Kolano.

To Launch A Light Sport

Author Bob Fritz got the bad news that he would likely not pass his FAA medical and was faced with a choice: Finish the RV he was working on and resign himself to flying with a partner, or try to find a suitable Light Sport Aircraft that he could build and fly solo. In this first installment in the series, he details his search for the right design and reveals the decision he ultimately made.