What’s New
Garmin expands online training and Sky-Tec introduces ST5 starters for Continentals. Edited by Mary Bernard.
ADS-B and Experimental Aircraft
More acronyms? Amy Laboda details the integration of ADS-B into the ATC system, and what it means for the Experimental aviation community.
Around the Patch
Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook looks at the editorial changes within EAA, and reinforces KITPLANES focus on homebuilding.
The Dawn Patrol
Dick Starks and The Dawn Patrol saddle, er, trailer up and head to the Salute to Veterans Air Show in Columbia, Missouri. Who else could lend his crimping pliers to a couple of sailors to fix an F-18s wiring problem?
Ask the DAR
Can a builder modify a Vans RV-12 kit under the 51% rule? How about changing the gross weight of a RANS S-7? Plus, the FAA releases revised homebuilding rules.
Engine Beat
There's a lot to know about aircraft oil: what to use, when to use it, when to change it. Steve Ells sheds some light on this essential fluid.
Light Stuff
Dave Martin looks at the future of ultralight-like SLSA trainers, and what may be in store from the FAA.
Around the Patch
Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook reflects on the past years celebration of KITPLANES first quarter century, and finds that predictions for the next 25 years don't come easily.
What’s New
CHR International acquires the Safari helicopter kit, formerly known as the Baby Belle. Flight Data Systems unveiled its T-30 digital tachometer. Edited by Mary Bernard.