Clattering About Diesels

DeltaHawk’s DHK180 engine has received its FAA certification. Yes, that’s the same inverted-vee, four-cylinder, two-stroke Jet A-burning diesel we’ve heard about for years. And,...

Training, Teaching and Coaching

With a title like that, you might expect that I’d excuse anyone without an instructor certificate from reading this month’s column. But if the...

Basically Bad

Last month this column was full of low-skill derring-do; this month I’m back with another blood pressure raising potboiler, this time more of the...

Bored No More

In a story full of admissions, I must start by confessing I had been thinking of ways to not fly the same old hour...

The Personalized Grip

There comes a time, fairly early in the kit-building process, where if a builder is constructing an aircraft to be flown with a stick...

What Are the Odds?

My first winter in Oregon came and went. The weather’s been fairly nice leading into spring, or at least my surroundings look just as...

Bill Brennand Lied to Me

You’d be forgiven if you don’t recognize the name. Bill Brennand went quietly about his life yet a life so full it warrants a...

Forward by Degrees

I’ve ridden the early adopter bus before—found the seats uncomfortable, the ride jarring and the destination available only after many inconvenient stops. So it...

It’s Not Like You’re Building an Airplane

The skills needed to build an airplane are not unique to aviation, nor are they uncommon.

Matters of Awareness

On February 14, FAA Acting Administrator Billy Nolan issued an initiative that he called an “FAA Safety Call to Action.” After opening with the...

In Case You Missed It


Say You Want an Evolution?Great article on the Evolution, and what an excellent design...

Metal Magic: A Quick Look at Edge Rolling

This short episode of Metal Magic provides some quick tips on the most effective...

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

A Verna-What?

Understanding your engine’s thermostatic oil-control valve.