What’s New

PS Engineering has introduced a new audio panel/com, Avemco creates a safety team, Comp Air offers special pricing incentives on its 6 kit, and UL Power of North America names Zenith as first OEM. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Alternative Energies

Great predictions about the advent of reliable, readily available and affordable electric aircraft have come and gone. How far away are we? By Dean Sigler.

The Dawn Patrol

When you're the newbie of the group, you're going to get the tough assignments. But some newbies know how to exact payback (all in good fun, of course).

Free Flight

Sometimes those little modifications can add up to big consequences.

Light Stuff

Columnist Roy Beisswenger takes a look at what’s currently available in the foot-launched and wheeled variety of canopy or soft-wing aircraft.

Around the Patch

With the endorsement of five major EFIS manufacturers, Vertical Powers new all-in-one-box VP-X controller is almost certainly assured to be a success. By Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook.

What’s New

Garmin has released its new GMA 350 audio panel with voice recognition and 3D sound, and Superior Air Parts is adding to its line of Millennium cylinders. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Alternative Energies

In his debut column, Dean Sigler introduces the CAFE Foundation and explains its efforts to promote green technologies for aviation.

Down to Earth

Everyone can use another set of eyes on a project, and sometimes a technical counselor is just the one to provide them. By Amy Laboda.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger takes a look at the maintenance requirements for the lighter side of aviation including ultralights and Light Sport Aircraft.

In Case You Missed It

Editor’s Log

While some aviation enthusiasts such as the Friends of the RV-1 devote their time to historic restoration, those at the Electric Aircraft Symposium contemplate what the future might bring. By Mary Bernard.


Vertical Power’s VP-400 stands ready to locate the nearest airports and help you plot and execute an emergency landing—welcome assistance for the pilot experiencing an in-flight failure. By Marc Cook.

What’s New

DRE has a new ANR headset, Approach Fast Stack Pro-G Hub is issued a PMA, and the Hummingbird heli quickbuild kit gets FAA approval.


Prop Balance PrecursorIn addition to balance, improper clocking of the propeller on the crankshaft...