
Marc Cook presents an argument for rewriting LSA weight-limit rules to encourage new design and technology, while improving safety and performance.

Maintenance Matters

In this new column, Steve Ells shares his background as an A&P mechanic and offers tips on keeping your homebuilt aircraft running smoothly.

Alternative Energies

Companies around the world are making strides in the development of electric-powered light aircraft. Dean Sigler reports on three French organizations that have been setting records and making history.

Free Flight

Thousands of hours of flight time in a pilots logbook are no guarantee of superior skill-or superior judgment.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda finds a way to keep her RV-10s engine cool-until she runs into hot, South Florida summer weather, that is.

Light Stuff

Columnist Roy Beisswenger makes the case for the safety of light and ultralight aircraft. Don't believe it? Hell explain why.

The Dawn Patrol

Hummel UltraCruiser builder Dennis Brooks came to Liberty Landing looking for a place to store his airplane, and left with some new friends and a test flight courtesy of The Dawn Patrol.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses the impact of the FAAs LODA order allowing Light Sport instructors to resume training with their Experimental aircraft.


Marc Cook spends a few days helping perform the annual on a friends RV-7A, and finds it much easier than doing his own.

Engine Update: EI Commander

EI Commander helps keep you aware of both whats happening with your engines electronic ignition and, as importantly, why. By Marc Cook.

In Case You Missed It

Plane and Simple

Silicone tape-its for a lot more than just emergencies.

Clamp Stick

By David Paule

The Unintimidated Builder

Builder Walter Treadwell has taken on projects that many of us would find daunting, and he keeps upping the ante. First came a Lancair 235, then a plansbuilt Jenny JN-4, followed by a P-38 and then his current project, a resized Sikorsky S-38. Some 4000 hours into the new project, Treadwell has a ways to go, but fortunately he has a mini AgCat to fly in the meantime; by Bob Fritz.

Special Light Sport Airplane Accidents

Some surprising results when compared to traditional Cessnas.