Light Stuff
Interested in ultralights? Roy Beisswenger explains what is available and how to make the right choice for your needs.
Free Flight
The words "test pilot" conjure images of steely-eyed derring-do, but the reality is often a world away from all that.
Editor’s Log
Editor Mary Bernard makes the case for presenting the annual Aircraft Buyer's Guides data in a new, more useful form.
What’s New
Find welding resources at, Ztron Labs offers an alternative to conventional aircraft circuit breakers, and record your flights with the AV-HD video system from Data Toys. Edited by Abby Ventzke.
Marc Cook looks at the possibility of Glasair Aviation initiating a new Two Weeks to Taxi builder-assistance program for the Van's RV-10.
The Dawn Patrol
Dick Starks and the members of The Kansas City Dawn Patrol head out to take part in the Annual Salute to Veterans Airshow in Columbia, Missouri.
Expansion Team
For RV-12 owners looking for an alternative engine option, Jabiru offers a worthy contender. By Marc Cook.
Light Stuff
Roy Beisswenger reports on The Farm, and all that was new and exciting in the ultralight area at Oshkosh AirVenture 2011.
Editor’s Log
Mary Bernard discusses the challenges companies face when they try to improve an existing design, let alone develop a new product. The Glasair Sportsman TC is a case in point.
What’s New
TCW Technologies announces two new products, ChartFlier introduces a low-cost entry to the ADS-B market, and a veteran airshow performer pilots the SubSonex jet on its maiden flight.