The Dawn Patrol

Dick and Sharon Starks mix it up with the “big boys” and draw their own crowd at Oshkosh AirVenture 2011.

Alternative Energies

Dean Sigler was on location at this year’s Green Flight Challenge in Santa Rosa, California, and he offers a report.

Light Stuff

Ready to jump into gyroplanes? Roy Beisswenger explains the options available and the regulations for this exciting segment of aviation.

Free Flight

Expecting your avionics software to be free of bugs is unrealistic, but there is a way to avoid being bitten.

Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard discusses the reward of simplicity that a homebuilder can find when building from plans.

What’s New

ZuluLog offers a pilot logbook for Android devices, Zenith and UL Power announce a firewall-forward kit for the CH 650, and Garmin introduces the aera 796, its new flagship portable navigator.

Idle Hands

Marc Cook reminisces about the hours of enjoyment he found working on his Glasair Sportsman.

Unusual Attitude

Vans Aircraft founder Richard VanGrunsven considers flight safety, and how improving our building and piloting skills would do more to reduce the number of mishaps than additional regulations would.

Alternative Energies

Electric Light Sport Aircraft are few and far between, owing primarily to the heavy batteries eating into LSA weight restrictions. The Alternair Amp is poised to change all that. By Dean Sigler.

Down To Earth

Homebuilt aircraft played a key role in bringing aid to the Bahamas after Hurricane Irene. Amy Laboda explains how you can join in future relief efforts.

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Condition inspections, N-number problems, removing an electrical system and transponder.

Flaperons, Spoilers and Drooping Ailerons

There are some situations where there isn’t enough room on the wing’s trailing edge...

Best Practices – Fastener Safety

Cotter pins, safety wire, lock washers, and thread lockers.

Second Chance Six

Part 9: With good company and a plan of action, things got rolling! Including the wheels.