Light Stuff

If your homebuilt aircraft requires more assembly than actual fabrication, what does that mean vis-a-vis the FAA’s 51% rule? Roy Beisswenger looks into it.

Building With a Partner

Building an aircraft with a partner can be a rewarding experience. Dave Prizio discusses his relationship with longtime building partner Ed Zaleski, and how to go about forging your own successful building partnership.

What’s New

Garmin offers a GTN 750 training app for iPads; Dynon Avionics and Pocket FMS announce availability of worldwide AeroData for SkyView EFIS;


By getting an up-close look at the Sandberg reporting station in Southern California, Editor-at-Large Marc Cook finds out why the weather there is almost always worse than it is anywhere else in the L.A. basin.

Wingtip To Wingtip

Formation flying offers challenges beyond those you’d encounter on a $100 hamburger run. Dave Klages spends a day with the West Coast Ravens as they put their RVs through their paces.

Alternative Energies

Electric motorgliders are leading the way in low-cost, fuel-efficient flight. In the second installment of his two-part series, Dean Sigler profiles seven designs at the forefront of this emerging field.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger encourages Americans to participate in the World Microlight and World Paramotor Championships to be held in Spain this summer, and discusses what is required to compete.

Guest Editorial

KITPLANES® publisher Cindy Pedersen bids readers a fond farewell as she embarks on a new journey—retirement.

What’s New

RV-12 building assistance is available on DVD from HomebuiltHELP; Plane-Power has introduced a new alternator for Continental 520 and 550 engines; WhirlWind announces a new composite, ground-adjustable propeller for the Rotax 912/914 engine.


Editor at Large Marc Cook takes to the soapbox to expound on the ever-increasing fees imposed by the FAA.

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Does an A&P have to sign off on an ELT inspection? And can a Sport Pilot fly a Cessna 172?

Dimple Tokens

Sooner or later a part will need to be countersunk for a dimple....

Prebuy vs. Condition Inspection

What’s the difference?

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.