Alternative Energies

Dean Sigler reports on new electrically powered European amphibians.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses a rational path for owners of sport aircraft to become commercially rated.

A Tale of Two Kits

What a difference a few years make. Paul Dye discusses the evolution of kits, using the two he built (Van’s RV-8 and RV-3) as examples.

The Dawn Patrol

The Dawn Patrol crew managed to stay out of trouble (mostly) on their visit to the Gathering of Eagles in Gardner, Kansas.

Are you considering an alternative engine?

Patrick Panzera explains some specific formulas he uses to see if an engine' claimed numbers pass muster.

What’s New

Dr. RoTech introduces an engine analyzer for Rotax 912/914 engines, Planemakers offers builder assistance for composite aircraft, and Ameritech distributes Electroair ignition systems.


Editor-at-Large Marc Cook flies the RANS S-7LS at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Florida, and hears encouraging news from vendors.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda discusses her approach to getting instrument re-current and describes the many tools available to help you en route.

Free Flight

Acknowledging risk and taking steps to minimize it are safer than denying that it exists.

Alternative Energies

Dean Sigler checks in on the Green Flight Challengers of 2011 who didn’t make it to the competition to see what they’re up to now.

In Case You Missed It

More PCB Fun

OK, this one is the witch of the bunch. You’ve had two months to...

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

The $30,000 RV-9A

Two builders helped each other build RV-9As, each employing significantly different outlays of cash. The results are impressive in both cases, but for different reasons. They help us ponder the question as we build: “What is something worth?” By Marc Cook.

Avionics Special: Garmins G3X Engine Monitoring System

Ponying up for the engine-monitoring portion of Garmins G3X EFIS suite requires careful consideration, but the result is a truly integrated solution. By Marc Cook.