Alternative Energies

Graphene “paper,” drag-racing electric motorcycles and hybrid aircraft were hot topics at the Electric Aircraft Symposium in Santa Rosa, California, and illustrated the progress being made in alternative energy sources. By Dean Sigler.

The Coming Revolution

Tremendous progress has been made in the Automatic Speech Recognition realm (think iPhone’s Siri), and this technology may be a boon to solo pilots sooner than you think. By James P. Hauser.

Editor’s Log

While some aviation enthusiasts such as the Friends of the RV-1 devote their time to historic restoration, those at the Electric Aircraft Symposium contemplate what the future might bring. By Mary Bernard.

What’s New

World Aircraft Company debuts the Vision LSA, and Velocity Aircraft introduces the V-Twin.


Marc Cook looks at an electric motorcycle’s lessons for electric aircraft.

Tools for Homebuilders, Part 2

Terry Edwards continues his discussion of some of the less-often covered aspects of airplane building, this month looking at how to manage your project and stay motivated.

The Dawn Patrol

When the chainsaw starters they'd been using on their airplanes for years finally started to give out, Dawn Patrol members searched for a replacement. It turned up in a garden tractor.

Alternative Energies

Electric vehicles and aircraft may be the future, but how will we create the energy to power them while minimizing environmental damage? By Dean Sigler.

When Good Electrons Go Bad

When wiring up a homebuilt aircraft, it pays to ask: What do I want to protect myself from?

Light Stuff

The dream of flying cars remains alive and well, and several companies are taking on the challenge. By Roy Beisswenger.

In Case You Missed It

All About Avionics, Part 6

Whether portable handheld or panel-mounted, GPSes are the wave of the future in avionics, and these units can store and display a remarkable amount of detailed information. With nifty docks, handhelds can perform much like the panel-mounts in the cockpit, yet be removed for use in other vehicles.

A Guide to Guides

While it never feels good to be stuck in the ribs, when you deserve...

Going Retractable

The ups and downs of retractable gear.

Fitting an RV-7A Cowl

Part 2: Trimming and installing the top and bottom cowl halves.