Light Stuff

In an aviation segment where rentals are generally not an option, acquiring your own aircraft may be the way to go. There are deals to be had, if you know where to look. By Roy Beisswenger.

Alternative Energies

One plane, one pilot, 5 tons of garbage: How Jeremy Rowsell plans to crisscross the globe in a Cessna 172 powered by fuel made from recycled plastic. By Dean Sigler.

Down to Earth

Flight instruction has its challenges, but it has many rewards as well. Amy Laboda reflects on her recent successful launch of a brand new pilot.

Editor’s Log

Change is inevitable, and, in the media world, it’s coming at us hard and fast. Editor in Chief Mary Bernard considers the trends.

What’s New

Sunbeam light from AeroLEDs, dealer agreement for Titan EXP engines, Snap-on LED Hybrid Light and Pioneer Aircraft’s new wood grip.

Building Efficiently

You'll be flying your finished aircraft much sooner if you manage your time, parts, workspace and tools efficiently.

The Dawn Patrol

When the National Geographic Channel throws down an aviation challenge, The Dawn Patrol answers the call.

Alternative Energies

They may be largely unknown today, but two French brothers were among those exploring battery-powered flight in the 1880s. By Dean Sigler.

Editor’s Log

The free flight of birds inspired the first forays into manned flight—a perfect example of the concept of biomimicry. Editor in Chief Mary Bernard sees a similar resourcefulness in plansbuilders who look at a set of drawings and create an airplane from scratch.

What’s New

Bogert Aviation introduces quick-drain oil valve probe, CubCrafters improves 2013 Carbon Cub SS, and MGL integrates Sandia Mode-C Transponder with its EFISes.

In Case You Missed It

2016 Engine Buyer’s Guide

There are plenty of choices to power Experimental aircraft.

Editor’s Log

Blurring the line…

Pet Pup

Building a replica Sopwith Pup from scratch is not for the faint of heart.

Aero ‘lectrics

The subject this month is Schmitt triggers and digital gates, which can be employed for a variety of purposes in homebuilt aircraft including use with switches and sensors or panel lighting.