Alternative Energies

Diesel engines, anyone? How about biofuel? More builders are turning to such alternatives in the name of fuel economy, while the industry awaits fuel cells and better batteries. By Dean Sigler.

Editor’s Log

As Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard steps down from her post at KITPLANES, she thanks the team that helps create the magazine each month and welcomes her successor, Paul Dye.

What’s New

Rockwell BenchJaws introduced, Kitfox Aircraft offers engine options, and Garmin debuts new VHF, nav/com radios.

Light Stuff

The rules around Letters of Deviation Authority are labyrinthine, which helps explain why they are relatively rare. But the problems could be—and should be—corrected through a few regulatory changes. By Roy Beisswenger.

Free Flight

To fly or not to fly? Often it depends on the weather, which can be uncertain. That’s why it’s good to have IFR clearance, and crucial to have a backup plan.

The Dawn Patrol

They may not be comfortable, and they don't go fast, but flying a WW-I plane is just plain fun. When you can share the experience with some American heroes, its even better.

Alternative Energies

While researchers seek electric flight’s Holy Grail—a 10X battery—aviation’s innovators are busy determining ways to use less fuel with the technology available now. By Dean Sigler.

Another Look at Fuel-System Testing

In light of additional research and input from manufacturers, Dave Prizio revises some of his previous recommendations on testing your fuel system.

What’s New – Oxygen Concentrator, Factory-Built Searey, Dynon ADSB-in

Progressive Aerodyne to offer factory-built SeaRey, Windblade introduces Inogen Aviator G2-1050, and Dynon ships new ADS-B “In” weather and traffic receiver for SkyView EFISes.

Go With the Flow…

When you build your own airplane, you get to design the cockpit you've always wanted, from the ground up. But facing that blank slate can be challenging and calls for a thoughtful approach.

In Case You Missed It

Spin Class

Spin class.

Product Review: BrightLine Pilot Bag

The BrightLine Bag is the ideal accessory for pilots who like a place for everything and everything in its place. By Marc Cook.

Hidden Truths

There are some things to learn in aviation that seemingly only come with experience.

Matters of Awareness

On February 14, FAA Acting Administrator Billy Nolan issued an initiative that he called...