Taxes and Shipping Additional
Most homebuilders—and just I’m spit-balling here—have waited a long time to justify the cost of building an airplane.
The Big Scare
You look down at the instruments, and instantly energy drains down your body as if bomb bay doors on the soles of your feet had opened and the concrete floor were a sponge.
The Usual Suspect, Part 2: Missing Power
The dark interior of a hangar comes into focus as an announcer says, “Building Time Theater presents, ‘The Usual Suspect, Part Two: The Missing...
Build, Maintain, Inspect
One of the big reasons that people build their own airplane is the flexibility afforded by the FAA when it comes to maintenance and...
Round-Trip Flight
Let’s see. Where was I?
When we last spoke, I was headed back into the motorcycle realm, where I eventually got to be editor in...
Rear Cockpit: The Other Guy’s Plane
In a parallel life of mine—auto journalism—shop talk occasionally got around to just how few cars the average person probably drives in their lifetime....
Editor’s Log: Crew Change
Marc Cook, former editor in chief, is once again going to hold that position here, as Paul Dye steps into the role of editor at large.