Crew Coordination, Working the Weather

Having a reliable and well-trained partner can help to evaluate not only a course of action—but the decision-making process that goes into that plan.

Ten For Ten: A Decade With an RV-10

Out of the blue.

Best Practices Make Perfect

Building time.

Becoming a DAR

A designee is a private individual with the experience and skills necessary to do the work mandated for the FAA.

Kitfox Celebrates Forty, Too

To say that Kitfox has been successful since then is an understatement.

Air Racing: A Report

With the announcement of Roswell, New Mexico, as the new home of the National Air Races, it seems a good time to give an update on the go-fast crowd.


One of the big motivators to amateur aircraft builders is simply dreaming about the adventures that their personal aircraft will allow them to accomplish.

Checklists: Live By Them

There isn’t a pilot alive who doesn’t know what a checklist is. There are, however, pilots no longer with us who failed to use one.

Four Decades Old, Look At Us Now

Publisher Dennis Shattuck took a flier on a growing segment of aviation back when magazines littered newsstands across the country and well before we...
The most difficult compromises live in the middle of the performance envelope, while the easiest decisions are found at each end of the spectrum. This VW installation emphasizes economy over performance, so a prop gearbox would be an obvious complication.


Never one to revel in the practical, recently I found myself expounding to a colleague on why the general aviation world moves at 2700 rpm.

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

The Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association presented its 16th annual Presidents Award to Rotaxs Eric Tucker at Oshkosh/AirVenture this year. Tuckers history dovetails with LAMAs history, and each will play a significant role in the growing Light Sport Aircraft market; by Dave Martin.

Stressing Structure


Clean Oil Makes for a Happy Engine

You can do two things that will extend your engine’s life more than any...

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weir takes a look at the performance of a DIY ground-plane antenna versus a factory-built rubber duckie on a handheld GPS receiver.