It’s Toy Season!
Because few new products get announced at Sun ’n Fun, there’s often a dead zone between April and the big intros at AirVenture in July. But that doesn’t mean it’s total dullsville. A couple of new bits have caught my eye recently.
Flight Review: Falken Avionics iPad-based EFIS
By now, the Apple iPad has established itself as a strong utility player in many aircraft, most often running as a so-called electronic flight bag (EFB) to display moving maps, charts, weather and traffic. But Falken Avionics’ Flight View system has a different take on putting Apple’s tablet to use—as a primary instrument.
A Hangar Fit for a Bride
Since we live on an airpark, have a large hangar of our own and my fiancé works for an airplane-kit company, many friends have...
Bending Your Brain
Humans are amazingly adaptable but sometimes we lack imagination. Here’s one example.
Sounding Off
Like some sort of verbal restricted area, certain subjects are such tropes in aviation scribbling that I steer around them like they were cumulonimbus....
Snap, Crackle, Pop
I bucked the first rivet on my Van’s RV-10 project in October 2007. Barrett Precision Engines built my engine from a core, a decision...
Old, New & Old Again!
We are seeing more talk of people rebuilding cores found in barns or the back of hangars.
Diesel 2.0?
For an engine long on the verge of viability but never quite making it over the threshold, the DeltaHawk is looking ever more real....
There’s no reason to participate in the hobby—for that matter, any hobby—unless it’s underpinned by fun.
Case for the Lyconsaur
Last time we met, the question was if the engines of the future had already arrived. This time I’d like to turn around and...