Headset Histrionics

I logged my first official instructional flight on June 17, 1975, at age 15. I already had my private and an instrument rating before...

What Capability Are You Building Toward?

New home, new airport—they present an opportunity to learn. This learning has been especially acute since the beginning of the year and my move...

The Decision to Polish

To quote a friend, “When you paint, the aircraft will never look better than when it leaves the paint shop. When you polish, it...

On Thanksgiving

One of the compelling reasons to aviate is it can demand the ultimate payment, and with an impartiality Hemingway appreciated. That alone elevates flying...

Small Screens, Big Deal

Just as we wrapped up our big-screen EFIS buyer’s guide in this issue, Garmin released its new GI 275. I’d heard rumors that Garmin,...
uAvionix tailBeacon X

uAvionix tailBeaconX

An all-in-one taillight and Mode S transponder.

Just In Case

I’ve participated in countless conversations with homebuilders that included the phrase, “Just in case.” The phrase is usually used while discussing flight safety scenarios...
Mojave airport aerial image

Cutting It Short

Recidivist readers will recall last month I went on a bender over a breeze in Mojave and how a single chock saved the day....

How About a Little Prop Talk?

Here’s something new for me. Until my recently acquired GlaStar, I have never owned an airplane without an adjustable propeller. True, the Pulsar XP’s...

The Fellowship of the Wing

In the classic J.R.R. Tolkien trilogy Lord of the Rings, a small band of intrepid adventurers are sent on a near-impossible mission—to save the...

In Case You Missed It

Plane and Simple

Double-duty band saws.

Design Process: Horizontal Tail

The horizontal tail has two functions. It provides control power to trim and maneuver...

Tweaking an Engine/Airframe For Efficiency

When an aircraft engine is tightly cowled without cowl flaps, running hot can be a problem. But there are solutions, as author Amy Laboda found out after much research and experimentation.

Kit Stuff