Sensor Sensibilities

In 2011, when I purchased my engine sensor package for the then new Dynon SkyView system, the sensors of choice for fuel and oil...

Fun With Emissions

Making the rounds on the canned news circuit recently was the EPA announcing it’s going after emission controls for aviation. Oh boy. As an old...

With a Little Help From Your Friends

In a world where a COVID-19 forces us inside and further emphasizes virtual relationships—with work, with school and with friends—it’s probably no surprise that...

Weighty Matters

We’ve all been taught the five primary forces of flight—lift, thrust, gravity and drag. (Plus money, but it’s more existential.) Let’s focus on gravity,...

Let the Ink Dry

For as long as I can remember, and thankfully that is more than five decades, I’ve read of builders performing an aircraft’s first flight...

Wittman. Field.

AirVenture comes to this place, not from this place.

The Fly As You Go Plan

Learned colleague Paul Dye recently wrote about the time-limited nature of aviation hardware. That is, every bolt has its day. Eventually the cad plate...

Radical Reconstruction

There are no halfway measures to describe what has transpired at Glasair Aviation from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to the events preceding...

Booster or Bravado?

A few years back, during AirVenture, a person asked me what vibration testing had been performed on the tail of the Sonex. His jargon-filled...

Airpark Living, Continued

Last month, I talked about the various types of airparks available for those so inclined as well as the specific airpark, AZ82, that my...

In Case You Missed It

The Turf War Around MOSAIC

You might think that a long-running proposal to streamline certification and greatly expand (and make far more usable) LSA and sport pilot rules would have the industry locking arm, raising voices in song and, therefore, on a clear path to success. You might, but you’d be wrong.


Pilots compensate all the time for aerodynamic effects such as ground effect, often without being conscious of it. By Ed Kolano.

Kit Stuff


Wind Tunnel

It's in the book!