Kit Confidential—Hardware Kits

I may be guilty of sitting on this story too long. In 2003, on the eve of my employment in the kit-aircraft industry, an...

Dollars and Sense

In my decades in aviation, I have come across individuals representing a wide financial demography—from folks who could buy a Boeing with a personal...

On Mechanics

Given the benign nature of newer homebuilts and the wonders of a repairman certificate, there may be a good number of us not beholden...
warehouse forklift

Demand and Supply

We’re all tired of talking about the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m certain, but there’s no denying it’s reached into every corner of our society, impacting...

Minimax to the Rescue

It's not easy to find a tug/tow bar assembly substantial enough to handle the job adequately and still be portable enough to be carried aboard.


”Experimental Two Sierra X-Ray,  Oshkosh Tower, you are clear for touch-and-goes on any runway. Enjoy.” That is one of a handful of ATC communications that...

Hot Over Warming Up

To warm up or coldly go into the takeoff?

Engines of Change

It never fails to amaze me, this choice in powerplants for our Experimental aircraft. Here, you’ll find everything from standard “conventional” engines to radical...

Problemas en México

I was dismayed to receive an alert from the Baja Bush Pilots that aviation authorities in Mexico have recently turned away Experimental aircraft after entering the country.

The Best

What is “the best”? How is that defined, and by whom?

In Case You Missed It

2014 Engine Buyer’s Guide

Conventional engines—purpose-built for flight.

What’s New

MGL Avionics offers new touchscreen iEFIS, SkyVision Xtreme introduces a fully portable ADS-B In/Out system, and Worx SD SemiAutomatic Driver debuts.

Archive: February 2009

Our February 2009 issue was assembled near the end of 2008 and had yet...

It’s a Knockout

When it comes time to remove and replace bearings or bushings that are press...