What’s In a Name?

Out of the blue.

AirVenture 2021: Surprise, No Surprise

Editor's log.

Good Fundamentals

I am often asked what it takes to fly many different airplanes, especially when some are prototypes for which very little data exists. My...

Failure to Launch

This month’s column is not about unmotivated or overaged adolescents living in Mom’s basement, nor honeymoon disasters. This is much more serious than those...

Shop in Comfort

I’ve confessed to building Metal Illness in a space that many, or most, would rate less than ideal. In my defense, my brain’s right...

An Open Mind

Normalcy had evolved in a fair way. Overcast and cool in the morning, the afternoon had opened to a moderate haze punctuated by a...
Dave Martin

Dave Martin 1938–2021

What we are today was set in motion by Dave more than three decades ago.

Speed Is in the Air

Air racing at Reno is part iron-age anachronism but also leading-edge development of the airplanes flying today. Where else can you say “4360 cubic...

Color Country

When I was mired in some of the more frustrating and tedious parts of building a kit aircraft, I would often reenergize myself by...

Your Head, Your Heart, Your Hands and the Truth

Three chords and the truth. That’s how songwriter Harlan Howard, who, with Hank Cochran, penned “I Fall to Pieces,” described country music. I got...

In Case You Missed It

Homebuilt Accidents-First Flights

Builder error is a major factor in first-flight accidents.

Aero ‘lectrics

Make it a current print.

Product Review: Spidertracks

As we move away from 121.5 MHz emergency locator transmitters, alternatives in the realm of personal locator beacons and trackers continue to flourish. Spidertracks of New Zealand is one of the newest. By Marc Cook.

A One-Finger Hand

By William Rynone, Ph.D., P.E.