Miles Versus Knots

To put it politely, we were recently taken to task for using mph instead of knots when reporting on an aviation speed record because,...

A Spot of Bother

This title phrase can, like so much in our language, be used to convey the truth of the matter, as intended, “a little trouble”...

Pride and Progress

I was caught off guard by the sight of familiar aircraft in the Sonex Aircraft flight center. “How?” you wonder. I’ll explain. I’m often...

High Flight

All apologies to John Gillespie Magee Jr. for the title to this column, but I did fly a little higher than normal on my...

Working With Experience

Part of my job is surprisingly solitary, moving words and photos around from my home office and corresponding with my staff and regular contributors...

Under Pressure

No, this working title isn’t about sitting down close to my draft submission deadline staring at a blank screen. (But it could be.) This...

Electric Airplane Fundamentals

Hi, my name is Gabe and I’m an unabashed electric airplane nerd. I have built and flown two of my own electric aircraft, and...

Never Buy Meat From A Guy in a Parking Lot

A builder—I’ll call him D. Thomas—told me A Guy told him he needed to modify his fuel system or it wouldn’t work. The basic...

Tire Tantrums

There can’t be a single person engaged in the modern world who doesn’t have a tale to tell regarding tires. Most involve some variation...

Trouble With Numbers

For better or worse, pilots can be an analytical bunch. Not all of them, of course, since many are what you’d call seat-of-the-pants types...

In Case You Missed It

Backcountry Cub Special Operations Edition

Premeditation defines Paul Collins' first project.

The Future of Homebuilding: Avionics

I mean, how much better should avionics really get for what we use them...

Mr. Bearhawk’s Wild Ride

Calm winds at the airport and clear skies don’t necessarily mean it’s a good day to go flying!

Ask The DAR

Repairman certificate requirements, increasing gross weight, correcting inaccurate V-speeds.