Unfit for Flight

Our culture’s version of schadenfreude often distills down to something called the Darwin Award, where hapless individuals appear to be disproving Charles Darwin’s theory...
repairman certificate

The Repairman Certificate

Those of us who have built or are building Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft know that one of the rewards besides the airworthiness certificate is another document...

Dispassionate Pursuits

At the very moment I was on final for Oshkosh’s Runway 9 in pursuit of a tailwheel endorsement, my flight instructor’s son was rising...

Two Years On

Habitual readers of this column know I’m not a fan of ADS-B, if only because I see such tracking technology as primarily the apparatus...

Avgas Next Steps

It had to happen. Ever since leaded automotive fuel was phased out in the 1970s, there’s been talk about getting the lead out of...

See Fit

Recently, a former airline colleague was killed when his Experimental aircraft impacted rapidly rising terrain while in level flight. It is easy to know...

Metallic Puce and Other Considerations

Airplane people tend to be drawn to all Machines That Move Us. Cars, motorcycles, boats. (Trains, too, but it’s cumbersome, as an individual, to...


Late. Always perpetually late. Some people are early as if by breathing, but for all my panting it never happens. Which is sort of...

Archive: April 2012

Formation flying was the subject of our April 2012 cover. RV builder Dave Klages took us through the prep and practice for formation work...

Cowl Flapped

Invention and experimentation in actual practice (compared to idealized fantasy) don’t usually offer up a straight line from concept to champagne-fueled celebrations of success....

In Case You Missed It

Straight and Narrow

Wheel alignment 101.

Wind Tunnel

When conducting aerodynamic testing related to airflow over an object, how do you ensure that you've matched the conditions from one test to another, and why does it matter?

Audio Control Panels

We compare three models from Garmin and PS Engineering.

Pylon Neophyte

The nuts, bolts, and nickels of taxiing onto the Reno stage.