Starduster with a flat tire.

Flat Broke

It was just two days before standing down for an annual inspection, so I thought to take the ol’ box kite out for a...

Fueled Again

Not a moment after sending our April issue to the press, my editorial “Avgas Next Steps” became partially obsolete. In it, I said that...

A Visit With Glasair Aviation

I had a reason to fly up to Arlington, Washington, to see the current state of affairs at Glasair Aviation. As you might remember,...

Shelving Progress

By introduction to his Civilisation television series, Sir Kenneth Clark made a case for the most trustworthy window on a society being its art,...

Archive: May 1988

An impressively tight shot of the Prescott Pusher homebuilt made sure our May 1988 cover was dramatic. There, we promised a flight of the...

Extra Fuel–What Price Range?

What from our evolutionary past predisposed us to the need for more? Always more. What scarcity did our species experience that threatened our survival...

Fed Stories

By just about every measure, the aeronautical industry in the United States—including the number of pilots, manufacturing and federal oversight—is by far the largest...

Time Machine

This month’s cover story, another in our Buying Used installments—this time covering the Pulsar homebuilt—took me back. It was, of course, my awakening into...


It is sometimes easy to remember that we do annual condition inspections to find things that might be wrong with the airplane. I know...

Unfit for Flight

Our culture’s version of schadenfreude often distills down to something called the Darwin Award, where hapless individuals appear to be disproving Charles Darwin’s theory...

In Case You Missed It

The Art of Corner Blocking in Wood Aircraft Construction

Tips for working smarter when making these small, critical parts.

Ask the DAR

Converting heavy ultralights to ELSA, ELSA maintenance requirements.

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weir uses quarter-wave magic to make a coaxial balun and a VOR/LOC splitter.

Ziggy’s New Engine

Adding a 180-hp Titan engine to a Legend Cub.