Over the Hump

For my wife and me, it was important to have our kids learn a musical instrument. We lost out to sports with our son,...

Fit and Trim

A first flight reveals truths that only air moving over an aircraft’s surfaces can reveal. Will the engine cool properly? Will the cockpit fill...


Longtime readers may recall that before scribbling in aviation magazines I scribbled in automotive magazines. That seems like someone else’s life a long time...

Some Old Favorites

For those building a new airplane, chances are you’re getting more than familiar with certain tools at different stages of the build. For me,...

Keeping a Battery Current

“With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being...

A Step in the Flight Direction

Parts & recreation.

Caught in the Act

We’ve been working on the development story of the Van’s RV-15 for many months. Paul Dye and I had what I would call exceptional...

How They Build Them in South Africa

During my recent visit to Sling Aircraft in Johannesburg, South Africa, to fly the new High Wing on this month’s cover, I was given...

Second Time Charm

There’s no other way but to admit that I found dozens of reasons to put this project off. By finally tackling it, though, I...

Plug In Power

Years ago a friend of mine was faced with commuting for his airline job from his home in St. George, Utah, to his new...

In Case You Missed It

STOL Brothers

A number of kit manufacturers have capitalized on the Cubs enduring appeal with Cub-alike designs, each of which has something unique to offer.

Ask the DAR

Mel Asberry answers readers’ questions on one-off engineering data requirements, how to fill out an AC 20-27G form, and how to test-fly an aircraft in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Metal vs. Wood

Part 2: Reworking a wood propeller.

Making Sandable Foam Glue/Filler

An epoxy alternative thats easier to work with for low-stress, structural applications.