Light Stuff

The state of Oregon has a new law that mandates using ethanol in all auto fuel, potentially affecting thousands of pilots, especially owners of most of todays Light Sport Aircraft powered by the ubiquitous Rotax 912 engine. It may not be too late to take action against similar legislation that could be brewing in your state; by Dave Martin.

Around the Patch

A recent announcement that a major manufacturer would no longer be making and selling carburetors came as a shock. Although another company has taken up the challenge and will supply carbs, at least for the time being, this news may be the impetus needed to move more aviators toward fuel-injected power for their homebuilt aircraft.

What’s New

Meet a new South African import LSA, read news from Jeppesen about updating your Chelton system, and a paint sprayer/respirator combination unit may interest the would-be plane painters among you.

Down to Earth

When pilot/builder Amy Laboda planted the seed in her husband's mind that the most suitable next airplane for them would be a glass-panel RV-10, the suggestion was met with something akin to a sneer-despite her sincere offer to help with the build. Still, the project has turned out to be a joint effort, complete with all the give and take one would anticipate in such an endeavor.

Light Stuff

Columnist Dave Martin had the good fortune to be able to tour the new Rotax engine factory in Gunskirchen, Austria, and he offers a report on the trip including a side trip to Salzburgs Hangar-7.

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the relative merits of internal versus external antennas, after using his Glastar Sportsman 2+2 as a test bed. His conclusions have to do with both the material used to build the airplane as well as location of the antenna on the aircraft.

What’s New

This months column includes information on new anti-collision strobe lights and LED position lights, a micro belt sander, a smart servo controller for trim, a desktop model of the Cozy Mark IV and the announcement of a taildragger configuration option for the Eurofox SLSA.

Ly-Con O-Ring Trick

When you join two halves of a flat aviation engine together, they often weep between the starter and the alternator. Not only is this unsightly, its wasteful and makes completing an overhaul more cumbersome than need be. Enter Ly-Con, whose groovy O-ring process promises to stop leaks before they start.

Product Review: Lightspeed Headset

With Bose and LightSpeed competing neck and neck (ear to ear?) in the ANR headset arena, author Jack Cowell does a side-by-side comparison to see which model excels.

Light Stuff

Motivated by an irresistible bargain and at least a modicum of nostalgia, author Dave Martin recaptures a piece of his earlier flying years when he purchases a twin-engine Lazair ultralight in partnership with two buddies. The Lazair is an unusual design to say the least, and Martin hasnt forgotten how to fly it, so both of his partners will benefit from his experience.

In Case You Missed It

Interference Drag Adds Up

Barnaby Wainfan explains the role of properly designed wing-fuselage junctions in reducing interference drag.

Leaky Primer Line

Primer lines need to be silver soldered into their fittings. Using RTV to fix...


By getting an up-close look at the Sandberg reporting station in Southern California, Editor-at-Large Marc Cook finds out why the weather there is almost always worse than it is anywhere else in the L.A. basin.

Aero ‘lectrics
