Ask the DAR
Do I qualify as a Sport Pilot if I’m already a Private Pilot? Does the installation of skis constitute a major change? How can I get an N number? DAR Mel Asberry answers these questions.
Flight Testing
Personnel roles, emergency contingencies, communications-there are many moving parts involved in the first flight of a homebuilt. Paul Dye catalogs them and offers a sample flight plan that worked for him.
Firewall Forward: Engine Mounts
Dynafocal, conical or DIY? Some engine-mount decisions are dictated by your choice of engine, but there’s more to it than that. Dave Prizio walks you through the process of mating engine to airframe.
Electronic Ignitions
As electronic ignitions become more popular, some homebuilders will want to consider making the switch (especially given the potential savings in fuel costs). Tom Wilson provides an overview of the marketplace and offers a “cost-benefit” analysis.
Build It Better: Knowing how it works
How do you reconcile a discrepancy between two gauges in your aircraft, say, a float-gauge reading and fuel-totalizer data? It helps to have a deep understanding of your systems.
Ask the DAR
How do you know when the sum of purchased parts exceeds the 51% rule? Does the data plate have to match the registration? DAR Mel Asberry answers these questions and more.
The Ultimate Upgrade
Could a plane as large, expensive and complicated as the Lancair Evolution be completed by an experienced homebuilder? We have the answer to that intriguing question.
Homebuilding on the Edge
Out in the California desert, innovation in homebuilding is the rule, rather than the exception. By Marc Cook.
Firewall Forward: Installing the Firewall
Author Dave Prizio describes construction of the firewall itself, including the penetrations and the tools required.