Ready to Build?
You can begin your aircraft project right now—before even deciding on a kit. Here are 10 ways to get ready to build.
Firewall Forward: Fuel Systems
Simplicity is key in a good fuel system, but there's a lot to consider when creating even an uncomplicated setup, from primers to sniffle valves to gascolators.
Free Flight
Surprisingly, building a metal aircraft may also mean getting familiar with fiberglass. Here are some tips to make that portion of the build less painful.
Build It Better: Learning from History
Everything we know about aviation comes from the experience of designers, builders and pilots who came before us. Understanding their successes and failures can help us fly and build more safely.
Avidyne IFD540
Avidyne's new IFD540 GPS navigator will offer an easy replacement for Garmin GNS users.
Bringing a Baby Great Lakes Back
After developing an interest in aerobatics, one builder acquires an airplane that allows him to fully indulge that fascination (after a few hundred hours of rebuilding). By Ron Bearer Jr.
Firewall Forward: Oil Coolers and Oil Lines
The right oil cooler, installed correctly, can maximize your engine’s life. Of course, you’ll also need to consider crankcase breathers, oil separators, oil filters, oil lines and connections.
Flight Testing
Even current pilots need to hone specific skills before attempting a first flight in their homebuilts. There's only one way to do that: practice. And then practice some more.
Build It Better: Building to Requirements
It can be tough to keep a homebuilt project from ballooning out of control when so many tempting innovations and extras catch your eye along the way. Having a specific vision from the outset can help keep things on track.
Plexiglas Play
The advantages of Plexiglas are many, but there are some important things to know about working with it and maintaining it.