Firewall Forward: Electrical Systems, Part 1

Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of wiring—plenty of homebuilders didn’t know how to do it when they started their projects. Get yourself the right tools, then jump in and start learning. Dave Prizio outlines the basics.

Ask the DAR

What paperwork is necessary when a new owner makes an engine change? If floats are replaced with conventional gear, what does the change in gross weight mean for a plane's LSA status?

Something Wild

When a homebuilder has a vision for a unique paint scheme on his RV-3, he assembles a team that can bring it to life.

Firewall Forward: Ignition Systems

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines...but how? Dave Prizio considers some of the choices.

Build It Better: Hope Is Not a Plan

There are always unknowns in any human endeavor, but in aviation, we must think about the ways we can minimize them.

Meet the Fokker, U.K. Style

In 1915, Allied pilots called the Eindecker the Scourge. In 2007, three friends in England bought and built Eindecker replica kits, and improved upon the original design. By Geoff Jones.

Sikorsky S-38 Project

Building a 55%-scale, amphibious twin-engine flying boat seems like an ambitious project, and it is. But this former WW-II B-25 commander with four homebuilt aircraft already under his belt tackled it anyway. By Rick Lindstrom.

Firewall Forward: Cowls, Baffles and Intake Air

How to keep your engine’s carburetor or fuel-injection system breathing right.

Dyno Testing

Dyno testing your engine before installation can be an investment in peace of mind as well as the future value of your aircraft.

Build It Better: Building a Team

Sometimes working alone in your hangar is exactly what you want. But other times a helping hand is called for, and then it helps to know you’re part of a worldwide homebuilding community.

In Case You Missed It

Rotorway’s Talon

Although it may resemble its predecessor, this new helo represents a significant evolutionary leap.

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.


The Months Go By So FastWhy do you publish and send out the magazine...


Bad building practices.